In the rgb color model 264348 is comprised of 14.9% red, 26.27% green and 28.24% blue. This color combination was created by user ratna.
Indigo Color Hex Code. #4b0082 hex color red value is 75, green value is 0. The spectral range of indigo is between 450 and 420 nanometers.
Different Shades of Blue A List With Color Names and From
In the rgb color model #091f92 is comprised of 3.53% red, 12.16% green and 57.25% blue. In the hsl color space #4b0082 has a hue of 275° (degrees), 100% saturation and 25% lightness. The indigo color is a shade of purple and has a hex code value of #4b0082, has a rgb value of rgb (75,0,130), and has indigo as its css name.
Different Shades of Blue A List With Color Names and
The color indigo dye with hexadecimal color code #091f92 is a medium dark shade of blue. This color combination was created by user ratna. This page shows lighter and darker color variations of indigo, and you can find more similar colors within the purple color codes category. Html element samples are also shown below the color detail page.
Its web safe color is (#309) the cmyk color model (used in color printing) for #4b0082 is 42% cyan 100% magenta 0% yellow 49% black. The equivalent rgb values are (63, 15, 183), which means. #4b0082 hex color contains 29.41% of red, 0% of green, 50.98% of blue. #4b0082 hex color red value is 75, green value is 0. Color.
The hex, rgb and cmyk codes are in the table below. Complementary colors are those found at the opposite ends of the color wheel. In the hsl color space #264348 has a hue of 189° (degrees), 31% saturation and 22% lightness. Indigo is a shade of blue, more specifically, purplish blue or dark blue. In the rgb color model #264348.